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Group for Development and Autonomy of Communities was formalized in 2016.  It is a Haitian non-governmental organization (NGO) and an American non-profit organization (501(C)3).   

Ms. Terri Christy first went to Mombin Crochu in 1998 and is a founding member. She recently retired from GDAC but we will remember and continue to thank her for all she has done for the people of Mombin Crochu, participating in projects such as building latrines, exporting coffee and supporting women with small business projects.  

Dr. Marcia Brower, a veterinarian,  first visited Haiti in 2011, when Terri invited her to participate in GDAC's new goat project. She is working to improve health of animals starting with goats and now expanding into other species. 

Mr. Justin Cadet grew up in Mombin Crochu.  He went to University in Port au Prince and became a civil engineer.  He worked for the UN but now has his own business doing large construction projects.  Justin has made it his mission to help people in his town. His initial effort was developing a goat  program  which included goat recipients giving away one offspring.  His efforts grew to beyond just goats and has become this non-governmental organization benefiting the people of Haiti. 

The GDAC-Haiti  Regional Committee

The GDAC-Haiti Regional and National Committees work together to determine the direction and priorities of GDAC projects. There is wonderful energy and synergism between the older and younger generations working together on GDAC projects. The younger generation brings fresh ideas such as fund raising possibilities and use of social media in promoting this organization. The older generation brings a solid commitment to the improvement of the community with practical hands-on experience.   It is evident that the GDAC-Haiti organization is making an impact on the community. 

The GDAC-Haiti National Committee

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