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Partnering with Haitians to Promote Self- Directed Community Development:

WE believe the local community can achieve a better living for all through livestock improvement, access to veterinary care and development of income generating projects. 


We are working to become self-sustaining and less dependent on donations.

We want to improve the lives of people and working animals in this mountainous northern area of Haiti.



GDAC U.S.A is a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation.

 All donations are fully tax-deductible.

Your donation directly benefits the participating farmers in Haiti.

99%  of your money goes directly into this project

GDAC - Haiti
Based in Mombin Crochu,


  • Training veterinary field agents and Providing veterinary care for working animals in the area

  • Strengthening animal care through farmer education and provision of nutritional graze plants

  • Providing a goat-give away program 

  • Developing community sources of income through crop improvement

  • Improving local forage for livestock

  • Planting trees as food sources and environmental improvement

  • Developing a program for coffee harvest, processing and export

  • Supporting a truck to provide community access to larger markets for produced goods 

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Donations may be given by credit card or through Paypal. 

Become a sustainer!  By giving a monthly amount, you help us generate a dependable income that will support our haitian employees.  

To support GDAC Haiti

Please help support us!

We want to give you a chance to taste Haitian coffee.





For donations of $82 or more, we will send you a 12 oz.  bag of Haitian coffee 


Mail checks to:


c/o: Marcia Brower

9326 Jaber Ave.NE

Otsego, Mn 55362

​​Call us:

612-801-1791 (US)

509-3628-4104 (Haiti)

​Find us: 

US:GDAC-USA: 9326 Jaber Ave. NE, Otsego, Mn 55362

Haiti: GDAC, Mombin Crochu, Haiti, Nord'Est

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Group for Development and Autonomy of Communities



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